Skin Care Diploma: Learn The Basics About The Main Types Of Skin

Like many other fields, skin care has its own jargon and specificities. It can be difficult to understand articles and conversations about skincare if you're not familiar with the basic terms.

Here is a quick rundown of the main types of skin you might learn about when you take on a skincare diploma.

Dry Skin

Dry skin is skin that doesn't produce enough sebum, which is the oily substance that helps keep skin hydrated. Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands, which are found in the skin's dermis layer. People with dry skin usually have small, underactive sebaceous glands.

Dry skin can feel tight and rough and more susceptible to wrinkles. If someone has dry skin, they might notice that their skin feels dryer, especially in cold weather. You'll also notice that the skin is more prone to flaking, with small pieces of skin peeling off.

Dry skin can be caused by a few factors, including genetics, age, environmental conditions, and certain skin disorders. It's important to moisturize dry skin, which you can do with various products, including lotions, creams, and ointments. These skincare products contain special ingredients that help lock in moisture.

For the best results, you should avoid using products that contain alcohol, which can further dry out a person's skin. Alcohol can quickly evaporate, taking moisture with it and leaving skin feeling tight and dry. Thankfully, you can learn a lot more about the products to use on dry skin and what to avoid after you begin your skin care diploma.

Oily Skin

This is skin that produces too much sebum. People with oily skin have overactive sebaceous glands. The glands produce sebum faster than it can be broken down and used, so the skin becomes excessively oily.

People with this type of skin often have to deal with a shiny complexion, as the sebum makes its way to the skin's surface. The skin might feel thicker than dry skin because of all the excess sebum. The excess sebum can clog pores, leading to breakouts which is the gateway to things like blackheads, whiteheads, and other types of acne.

To care for this skin type, you should use a gentle cleanser to wash the face and remove excess sebum. Be sure to avoid heavy or greasy products, as they will only worsen the problem. You can also use a light moisturizer to help control sebum production.

After you complete your skincare diploma, you'll know exactly what products to use to ensure a perfect balance for both oily and dry skin types. But that's not all you learn—you'll also learn about skin care treatments like facials and massages, skin disorders and conditions, hair removal methods, and makeup application. There's a lot more to skincare than just finding the right products.  

For more information, contact a local skin care training school
